“At Last, A Simple Solution to Successful Networking”

house flipping business planIt is next to impossible to succeed in flipping houses for profit all by your lonesome.  Having a solid network of house flipping contacts is an essential component to any house flipping business.

Thus effective networking needs to be at the center of your own house flipping business plan.

The goal of networking is to establish those key relationships that will help you propel your house flipping business forward.

Yet networking is really just a fancy word for making friends.

Unfortunately we sometimes lose sight of this simple truth, and some folks never seem to "get it."

In my experience it is not unusual to encounter people at networking events who's main goal is to give their card to everyone at the event.  We have all been stuck in other people's boastful conversations and may have even witnessed complete strangers arguing over something that doesn't even matter.

Approaching a networking event from the wrong angle will get you nowhere very quickly.  A better idea is to approach each and every networking opportunity as if you were simply there to make a few friends.

After all, making new friends is what networking truly is.  Wouldn't you agree?

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Breakthrough Fear and Achieve your Real Estate Dreams

learn how to flip housesI am a firm believer that we are all capable of incredible things, whether it be learning how to flip houses or climbing a mountain.  I believe that someone's background, education and prior life experiences do not dictate their potential.

Everyone on this planet has the potential to learn how to flip houses and do something wonderful.  At least that's what I believe!

Often times in real estate or house flipping,  it just takes a little coaching in order to convince someone that this is true.  Someone may very well have unlimited potential-however in many cases they just don't see it.

I will be the first to admit that life can knock a person down.  Unexpected and traumatic things happen, and it is not always easy to bounce back.  Believe me, I too battled fear, doubt and worry when I first began to learn how to flip houses.

However if we take a look around at our family, friends and associates we can Continue reading

House Flipping 101 [Infographic] | 9 Simple Steps on How to Flip a House

Unless you’ve been living under a real estate rock the past 12-18 months, learning how to flip houses is all the rage now…

With multiple reality television shows like Flip This House and all the others – not to mention all the regional ones (like the one in my backyard “Flipping Boston”) – it seems everyone has flipped for house flipping.

Just last week, I even got a call from US News and World Report to do an interview on house flipping. Crazy!

It just seems like there are Continue reading

Get Rid of Your Fear of Flipping Houses Once and for All

flip-and-grow-rich-fearI talk to people all the time about how they want to flip and grow rich - a catchy little spinoff from Napoleon Hill that lots of house flipping pros seem to use these days - but something always seems to stop them...

I was curious. So we did a little survey here at House Flipping School in advance of the launch of our House Flipping School One-on-One Coaching Program to really find out what prevents people from getting dirty and starting to flip and grow rich.

Starting to Flip and Grow Rich...What Stops YOU?

We made the survey pretty much open-ended with a few questions so that people could fill in what they really were thinking.

I'm no professional survey taker, but I figured that would help.

I thought I’d get the usual answers Continue reading

Slash Time NOT Quality | My Top 3 House Flip Time-Saving Secrets

house flipping businessThe house flipping business hinges heavily upon time.

Shorter timelines generally equate to greater potential profits for the majority of house flipping businesses.  Longer timelines typically mean less profit upon the final sale of the home.

Thus in the house flipping business, time is an important concept to keep in mind.  When developing your personal house flipping business plan, be sure to make time a top priority.

Ideally the house flipper wants to minimize the amount of time it takes to flip a house, without sacrificing quality.

Remember that quality always comes first.  As fellow house flippers, you and I have a responsibility to create a high quality, safe and attractive environment to live in.

Cutting corners during the rehab process can prove catastrophic to any house flipping business model.  Cutting corners will always come back to nip you in the butt.  If cutting corners doesn't hurt your wallet, it will most certainly hurt your house flipping business reputation.

Slash time but don't slash quality.

Here are my top 3 house flip time-saving secrets, in no particular order.


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3 Sure-Fire Closet Tactics To Sell Flips Fast

house flipping businessTo consistently make money flipping houses, I highly recommend paying extra attention to the details.

I have published many house flipping tips posts about the impact that brush nickel fixtures, good lighting and open space can have on a house flipping business.  These small, yet incredibly important details always add up to become a major component of the house flipping formula.

By paying close attention to the small details of a house flip, you will help set yourself up for long term house flipping business success.

House Flipping Business Tips | Why Closets are Super Important

Closets are small items with regards to cost, but they are super important when it comes to selling a flipped house.  For some uknown reason many people have an obsession of sorts with closets.  I guess they just love having a place to store their stuff!

The good thing about creating awesome closets is that doing so is not expensive.  Often times creating a closet is as simple as finding some "dead space" and then installing a light and some wire shelving.

Below is my "closet checklist" that I take with me, in my mind, to each new house flipping project.  If you find yourself "stuck" with regards to closets, give this checklist a quick read to help reassess your house flipping business situation.

House Flipping Tips | The Closet Checklist

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Partnerships and Flipping Houses

house flip

One thing that you'll notice right away in this business is that every deal is different.  The way you work your first house flip deal will most likely be very different from how you work your second house flip deal and so on.

For me this helps to keep this business exciting.  For you, deal making flexibility is important because it is possible (as we talk about a lot here on the blog) to flip houses without using your own money.

Instead of using your own money to fund a deal, you use other people's money - which we refer to as OPM.  Why would you use someone else's money you ask?  Well the most likely scenario is that you don't have enough money of your own to fund a house flip deal, which is of course A-OK.

Often times the best house flip deals appear and disappear very quickly.  If you have identified a good deal on a property using ARV, MOA and the 70% Rule, then the next step to take is action.

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Is Hiring a Real Estate Investing Coach a Worthwhile Investment?

house flipping for beginnersHouse flipping for beginners is what House Flipping School is all about.  My aim for this blog was to create a free and open resource full of useful information for the beginner house flipper.

I thought doing this was important because I vividly remember how tough this business was for me when I was a house flipping beginner.

When you are just starting out house flipping, things can become overwhelming faster than you can say "Carelton Sheets" 🙂

Trust me, I know because I have been there.

To be honest, I was in your shoes not so long ago.

I spent a lot of time debating what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.  Thinking back I wasted more time debating when to Continue reading

How to Flip Houses Trading “Dimes for Dollars”

There’s no secret that I am launching my first House Flipping School coaching program in just a matter of days.

The truth is that when I started House Flipping School, I didn’t start it to make money.

In fact, I really wasn’t quite sure where it would lead.

I really just wanted to help people get into the house flipping and real estate investing business because I love it so much!

And quite frankly, I really just wanted to see where the whole website thing went.

I've made it no secret that I do one-on-one personalized paid coaching for local real estate investors - so in the back of my mind, I always wondered if there were others out there in the U.S and even internationally who I could help teach how to flip houses as well.

Five short months later and with 17,618 unique visitors (just checked it now  🙂 ), it seems kinda obvious that Continue reading

How to Flip Houses (Even When Your Market Is Too Expensive)

how to flip houses taj mahalI've  recently had a ton of questions from readers of this blog on how to flip houses when the 70% Rule may not apply to their market.

It may not apply exactly...but it does apply...even in expensive markets.

As you may recall, the 70% Rule is a standard benchmark used to determine how to do our house flipping math.

So let's get right into it and see if we can answer these questions...

How to Flip Houses: The 70% Rule Review

As you may recall, the 70% rule keeps you out of trouble when you're flipping houses. It also prevents you from doing "eraser math" when you're evaluating how to flip houses. I see lots of different ways to evaluate a property, but the 70% rule is the rule that I've always stuck with because although it does not exactly apply in every circumstance, it is an excellent benchmark to use to keep you honest and ensure a good profit on the property.

So for example, you've determined Continue reading

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