Module 4: Secure The Funding

Module 4: Secure The Funding.pdf 

Module 4: Secure The Funding.mp3

Additional Resources

How To Get A Loan To Flip A House (post)

  • A lot of people have asked me about how to get a loan to flip a house, since I launched House Flipping School in 2012. In this post I team up with Trenton Fortes from Mortgage Fit, to share with you 4 tips about how to secure a loan for house flipping.

How To Get Financing For Flipping Commercial Real Estate (post)

  • Here at HFS we focus primarily on residential house flipping. However, I took notice when I saw a post on Bigger Pockets about a flipper making $800,000 on one commercial real estate deal. If you hope to one day dabble in commercial real estate, then this post about how to get financing is a good one to read.

How To Flip Houses With No Money Using Your Own Resources (post)

  • Did you know that home equity lines, IRA's and even credit cards can be used to help fund your house flips? Most people have more options available to them then they tend to think.

How can we help you secure funding? Let us know by posting in the forum.
