How to Find Money to Flip Houses

how to find money to flip houses

Finding money to flip houses is essential, challenging and exciting – all at the same time.  The good news is that you can flip houses without using your own money; you just need to learn how.

I raise money to flip houses creatively, by presenting superb money making opportunities to potential investors. Investors find working with me beneficial, because house flipping can generate a greater return on their investment, compared to more traditional investment vehicles.

To become truly proficient at raising money, you will have to invest time and energy to studying the craft.  To truly excel, and dramatically shorten the learning curve, I recommend joining the House Flipping Community and reaching out to me - I'm happy to help you!

Until then, here are some beginner posts to get your started.

At the bottom of this page you will have the opportunity to tune in with me via video, as I share my strategies for finding money to flip houses.

8 Steps to Finding Money to Flip Houses

If you’d like to learn how to find money to flip houses, then this tutorial can help.

  1. Partnerships and Flipping Houses
  2. How to Secure Funding for your First House Flip Deal
  3. How to Flip Houses (Even when your Market is Too Expensive)
  4. One Can't Fail Technique to Start Flipping Houses Now
  5. How to Flip Houses with No Money Down Exposing Yourself
  6. How to Flip Houses with No Money Using your Own Resources
  7. How to Flip Houses with No Money
  8. How to Flip Houses with No Money Using OPM

Free Video | How To Find Money To Flip Houses

Join me as I share with you my personal strategies for finding and raising money to fund my own house flipping business.

how to find money to flip houses

About the Author:  Mike LaCava is a passionate house flipper and founder of House Flipping School.
