Ready to Sell | Wareham Property #1

house flipping business plan

Flipping Houses in Wareham, Massachusetts - Property #1

This property is located in the town of Wareham, MA - right down the road from my office. We have done quite a few house flips in Wareham over the past few years. Often times there are many great deals right under your nose. You just have to get out there and find them.

My team and I recently finished rehabbing this house and have put it on the market. So far I have received a fair amount of activity, so hopefully this house will sell quickly.

I originally purchased this home with the intent of doing a light rehab and then renting it out. Things change pretty often in this business, so after quickly selling two other properties in the same neighborhood, I decided to put this house on the market as well.

The good news is that if the house does not sell quickly, I can always fall back on the original house flipping plan and rent the home.

This is an example of one exit strategy that I commonly incorporate into my house flipping business plan. We'll continue talking about effective and important exit strategies throughout future blog posts.

This house overall did need some rehab love, however it was not a complete gut job.

The original roof did need to be replaced. Usually if a roof is over 15 years old we automatically put a new roof on. Home buyers as well as inspectors love to see new roofs. When in doubt, swap it out!

We also put in brand new mulch beds and plantings. We cleaned up the crushed sea shell driveway and did some weeding in backyard. Overall the exterior of this house was not in bad shape, as you will see in the video below.

The interior of this home was also in fair condition.

We did some plaster work on the walls and painted the interior antique white. Antique white is a standard color for us, especially for houses we expect to sell in the $150,000 to $200,000 price range.

We also put in laminate flooring which is great for three important reasons.

  1. Laminate floors are very popular amongst home buyers
  2. They are very easy to clean
  3. Laminate floors are priced right

The kitchen was already in good shape so we chose to do some light cleaning and add some brush nickel fixtures. A little cleaning and some nice looking fixtures will have a big impact when it comes time to show the home to potential buyers.

We did have to gut the bathroom. We put in a brand new vanity with brush nickel fixtures. We also put in a 4 piece tub which cost us around $400. 4 piece tubs look great and are easy for plumbers to work with. 4 piece tubs are a winner in my book and I highly recommend you check them out.

Here's a quick tour of the inside of this property.

All in all we did not make any drastic changes to this property.

The great thing about this project is that if the house does not sell right away, we can always revert back to the original house flipping business plan and rent the home.

I'll keep you posted with updates - hopefully this house will sell soon!

See you at the top,


house flipping

Mike LaCava

I'm a full time real estate investor, proud Dad and husband. My team and I are working to restore communities - one house at a time. House Flipping School is my way of sharing this vision with other investors who want to do good for their community, and make money flipping houses.
